Objective Hoam Loans

What do you need to submit an application for a home loan?


We need to prove that you can afford the loan applying for and that you are a credit worthy applicant. This means that you must do the following to make sure of this:


Salary earners:


The latest payslip must be provided and nett salary reflected on bank statements must be the same as the nett on payslip.


3 Months bank statements showing salary deposits that correspond with payslips


ID copies of all applicants



Self employed clients to provide:


2 Years financial statements


Accountant letter to confirm drawing of member/director


6 months business bank statements


3 months personal.



Determine what your credit standing is currently by logging into:


www.mytransunion.co.za, click on buy now, and also go to


https://www.creditexpert.co.za/CERegister1.aspx register and


they will make a copy available to your credit report.


The banks use both these Buro's info to determine your credibility.